The ISACA Podcast gives you insight into the latest regulations, trends and threats experienced by information systems auditors and governance and security professionals. Whether you are beginning your career or have decades of experience, the ISACA Podcast can help you be better equipped to address industry challenges and embrace opportunities.

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Processes of Engagement with Scott Gould
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Scott Gould is the author of 'The Shape of Engagement: The Simple Process Behind how Engagement Works.' In this podcast, Scott gives a sneak peak at his upcoming member-exclusive, CPE-eligible event. Scott will discuss the essential frameworks for understanding and operationalizing engagement and building enduring connections with your networks and communities.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Delivering Security Value to Product Teams Using the Power of Data
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
Tuesday Jun 13, 2023
In security, aligning with product teams has never been more important, especially when outmaneuvering adversaries. To foster a truly productive and action-oriented cybersecurity culture, security teams must begin addressing their product engineering counterparts as customers they serve rather than entities they govern.
In this podcast, ISACA’s Chris McGowan listens in as Adobe’s Manager of Adversary Intelligence Gurpartap “GP” Sandhu provides unique insight into how he’s bringing intrapreneurship to life in product security through a key project that delivers actionable data that product teams can use to enhance their security posture more rapidly.
They’ll also discuss how his team is harnessing strong adversary focus using the power of data and share advice on how you can stay ahead of adversaries by better predicting their next move in the ever-changing threat landscape. Tune into this ISACA Podcast to learn more!
Check out more from Adobe, https://www.adobe.com/trust.html
For more ISACA podcasts, www.isaca.org/podcasts

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
AI Ethics and the Role of IT Auditors
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
We, as a society, have always lived by certain norms that are driven by our communities. These norms are enforced by rules and regulations, societal influence and public interactions. But is the same true for artificial intelligence (AI)?
In this podcast we discuss and explore the answers to some of the key questions related to the rapid adoption of AI, such as: What are the risks associated with AI and the impact of its increasing adaption within almost every industry? And, what role should we as IT Auditors should play in this fast changing technological landscape?
Hosted by ISACA's Hollee Mangrum-Willis and featuring special guest Jai Sisodia.

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Using a Risk-Based Approach to Prioritize Vulnerability Remediation
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Organizations today struggle with vulnerability management. More specifically, remediating vulnerabilities in a timely manner poses a challenge. With vulnerability remediation backlogs growing at an alarming rate, what can organizations do to meet their established remediation timelines and to protect the organization from cybersecurity threats. Cybersecurity leader Ray Payano will discuss the exponential increase in published vulnerabilities, the lack of resources in cybersecurity to perform remediation and balancing remediation with reduced maintenance windows. These challenges contribute to organizations struggling with remediation backlogs. Ray will explain how calculating vulnerability risk can help organizations prioritize their vulnerabilities based on risk level to help determine the order in which vulnerabilities are addressed.
Hosted by ISACA's Chris McGowan.

Tuesday May 23, 2023
The True Cost of a Data Breach
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Guests Jack Freund and Natalie Jorion discuss the need for additional data for quantitative risk analyses and methods to derive that data when it does not exist. They cover how this was done in the past and their updated method for interpolation of such data from record losses and other firmographic data. They end with a discussion of the role of model validation and how it can enable reliable risk management decision making.
Hosted by ISACA's Safia Kazi.

Tuesday May 16, 2023
2023 IT Compliance and Risk Benchmark Report
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Are you wondering about the ever-changing landscape of IT compliance and risk management? Look no further. Hyperproof, a leading SaaS compliance operations provider, conducts an annual survey of over 1,000 IT risk, compliance, and security professionals to uncover their top challenges. Tune in to this exclusive episode to hear about the top five most important statistics uncovered from the survey and get an overview of how your industry peers are managing IT risk and compliance programs within their organizations.
We’ll cover:
● The top five findings from the survey
● How your peers are planning to handle compliance, audit management, and risk management in the midst of this year’s volatile economy
● What companies are doing differently in response to recent and highly publicized security breaches to avoid security lapses and compliance violations
Download Hyperproof’s 2023 IT Compliance and Risk Benchmark Report https://hyperproof.io/it-compliance-benchmarks/

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
The world of business has changed dramatically over the past few years. Our digital world is more connected than ever, leaving security and technology teams stretched even thinner. Privacy and data regulations are increasing on a state and national level, threat actors are learning and evolving, and cybersecurity has finally become a boardroom priority! Now that you have leadership’s attention- what will you do? If your answer is “risk management as usual”, that may be holding you back.
Traditional risk management approaches make a lot of promises, but most of them are myths. Do any of these sound familiar?
● You can make better-informed decisions by using a single platform.
● You can use automation to achieve continuous compliance.
● You can implement risk management by creating a risk register.
● You can use qualitative attributes to measure and assess risk.
In this episode, we’ll assess risk management myths and discuss how to establish scalable, quantifiable, and always-on risk management for the future.
Hosted by Lisa Cook and featuring special guest Megan Maneval.

Thursday May 04, 2023
How Organizations Can Consistently Reduce Cyberrisk
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Cyber threats are now a “clear and present danger” to most organizations, companies and governments of the world. A good cyber defense involves many, intricate layers. You can never have enough layers, just like you can never remove all the risk. In order for organizations to reduce as much risk as possible, in a rapidly shifting threat landscape, they must constantly make improvements. The threat groups are making rapid improvements and increasing their expertise at a steady rate. They are investing in R&D and Zero-Day exploits. To offer a good defense, we must make progress at the same rate as the threat groups or we may fall behind, increasing risks and allowing the cyber world to become like the “wild-wild west.”

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Key Considerations for Conducting Remote IT Audits
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Conducting adequate preparation including risk assessments, assessing resource requirements and ensuring ongoing communication to harness both the benefits and to address the potential challenges faced when conducting hybrid or fully virtual audits.

Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Seven Things to Know Before Automating IT General Control Audits
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
This podcast is a practical discussion with two IT Internal Auditors, Frans Geldenhuys and Gustav Silvo, that have automated IT General Controls across their highly diversified and decentralized group. They will share some of the pitfalls they have experienced in their automation roll out and advise on how to avoid or manage these pitfalls with host, Robin Lyons.
Check out Frans and Gustav’s full ISACA Industry News article, “Seven Things to Know Before Automating IT General Control Audits,” http://www.isaca.org/automating-it-general-control-audits
For more ISACA Podcasts, https://www.isaca.org/podcasts