The ISACA Podcast gives you insight into the latest regulations, trends and threats experienced by information systems auditors and governance and security professionals. Whether you are beginning your career or have decades of experience, the ISACA Podcast can help you be better equipped to address industry challenges and embrace opportunities.

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Implementing Artificial Intelligence: Capabilities and Risk
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
University of Florida's Ivy Munoko is passionate about AI and has plenty to share regarding implementation and usage, but ISACA's Collin Beder asks, "is it ethical"?
Ivy breaks down the ethical considerations for AI and the four types of intelligence (Mechanical, Analytical, Intuitive, Empathetic), and she shares her take on why she thinks AI won't be replacing our jobs for a very long time to come
To read Ivy's article, please visit www.isaca.org/implementing-ai-capabilities-and-risk.
To listen to more ISACA Podcasts, please visit www.isaca.org/podcasts.

Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Audit in Practice: Auditing Culture
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
Thursday Sep 29, 2022
What’s The Risk LLC’s Cindy Baxter sits down with ISACA’s Robin Lyons to discuss auditing culture, which can be one of the most interesting areas to audit. We all have things we want out of our work environment like remote work, flexible hours or as Cindy comments: “I’d love to take my dog to work with me!”, but she and Robin question what is really important to workplace culture, and does it start with a “tone at the top”? Cindy gives advice on auditing approaches and key assessments when auditing as culture can be a critical part of an organization, making or breaking its effectiveness.
To read Cindy’s full length article, please visit: www.isaca.org/auditing-culture
To listen to more ISACA Podcasts, please visit: www.isaca.org/podcasts

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Incident Report & Continuous Control Monitoring
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
This episode of the ISACA Podcast is all about incident reporting. Lesotho Postbank's Relebohile Kobeli talks to ISACA's Collin Beder about mitigating risk, minimizing losses from events, and good communication. As Relebohile says: "as we carry out our daily tasks at work, we should always be proactive... and recognize abnormal behavior". Tune in now!
To read Relebohile's full article, please visit: www.isaca.org/how-enterprises-can-leverage-incident-reporting
To listen to more ISACA Podcasts, please visit: www.isaca.org/podcasts

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Industry Spotlight - Lisa Young
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Netflix's Lisa Young started as a bank teller that learned tech by fixing and servicing ATMs, which transitioned to her joining the network ops field and leading her to "help organizations understand what could keep them from meeting their strategy, objectives or mission". After rough telecom layoffs, she re-educated herself with ISACA certifications and started leading a chapter, which included the honor of hosting an ISACA conference and she has developed content with ISACA's Paul Phillips. In this episode she sits down with Paul to discuss their shared work on ISACA-related projects, cyber careers and why you should be curious and ask how things work. Lisa loves the idea of continuous learning and asks, "what is a good next step for you?"
To listen to more ISACA Podcasts, go to isaca.org/podcasts
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Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Defending Data Smartly
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Some industry watchers estimate that by 2025 the collective data of humanity will reach 175 Zettabytes. ISACA's Jon Brandt invites Dr. Chase Cunningham (aka Dr. Zero Trust) to discuss how to defend the ever-growing amount data, problem-solving for business units and compliance. Chase also questions the idea of “never compromise” and “perfect defense” when defending data. Tune in now!
To Learn more about Dr. Zero Trust, visit: www.zerotrustedge.com/dr-zero-trust
To listen to more ISACA Podcasts, visit: www.isaca.org/podcasts

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Foco de la industria - Arnulfo Espinosa Dominguez Parte II
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Parte I: https://isacapodcast.podbean.com/e/foco-de-la-industria-arnulfo-espinosa-dominguez/
El vicepresidente del Capítulo Monterrey de ISACA y Director de Auditoría y Fraude de TI de uno de los Grupos Financieros más grandes de México, Arnulfo Espinosa Domínguez, se une a Jocelyn Alcantar de ISACA para compartir muchas cosas que ha aprendido durante sus 20 años de experiencia profesional en la industria. Habiéndose dado cuenta del valor de la información a una edad temprana, Arnulfo ha forjado su camino dentro de la comunidad de TI. Es un formador acreditado para múltiples certificaciones, asesor independiente y presidente de varios comités de Ciberseguridad, Riesgo y Auditoría, y es reconocido mundialmente por un apodo que sus compañeros le han dado, "El AudiTHOR".
Como voluntario de ISACA desde hace mucho tiempo y orador de conferencias, Arnulfo ha sido premiado en numerosas ocasiones por sus destacados logros. En 2019, se le otorgó el "Premio al Líder de Capítulo Sobresaliente" (Outstanding Chapter Leader Award) de ISACA, en 2020, recibió el "Premio John Kuyers al Mejor Orador" (John Kuyers Award for Best), y recibió el mayor logro, el "Premio Salón de la Fama de ISACA" (ISACA Hall of Fame Award) en 2021.
¡Únase a la escucha de este episodio mientras Arnulfo ofrece sus mejores consejos y prácticas para convertirse en un orador excepcional, consejos sobre cómo los profesionales emergentes pueden entrar en la industria, y cómo su alter ego, AudiTHOR, alimenta su pasión por la auditoría!
Para leer más sobre Arnulfo, visite www.isaca.org/resources/news-and-trends/isaca-now-blog/2020/iamisaca-from-rock-star-to-speak-star
Para escuchar más Podcasts de ISACA, visite www.isaca.org/podcasts

Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Ethical AI Shifting the Conversation Left
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Thursday Sep 15, 2022
Many organizations prioritize goals such as gains and profits, which often require rich data sets, but fail to consider the eventual impact of their data handling methodologies on foundational social justice issues. ISACA's Collin Beder talks to Josh Scarpino about his recently released article Evaluating Ethical Challenges in AI and ML. Josh discusses issues such as ethical behavior, systemic issues and how to create trusted systems. Collin also asks what is the future for humans in regards to AI. Tune in now!
To read Evaluating Ethical Challenges in AI and ML, visit: www.isaca.org/evaluating-ethical-challenges-in-ai-and-ml
To listen to more ISACA Podcasts, visit: www.isaca.org/podcasts

Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Foco de la industria - Arnulfo Espinosa Dominguez Parte I
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Wednesday Sep 14, 2022
Parte II: https://isacapodcast.podbean.com/e/foco-de-la-industria-arnulfo-espinosa-dominguez-parte-ii/
El vicepresidente del Capítulo Monterrey de ISACA y Director de Auditoría y Fraude de TI de uno de los Grupos Financieros más grandes de México, Arnulfo Espinosa Domínguez, se une a Jocelyn Alcantar de ISACA para compartir muchas cosas que ha aprendido durante sus 20 años de experiencia profesional en la industria. Habiéndose dado cuenta del valor de la información a una edad temprana, Arnulfo ha forjado su camino dentro de la comunidad de TI. Es un formador acreditado para múltiples certificaciones, asesor independiente y presidente de varios comités de Ciberseguridad, Riesgo y Auditoría, y es reconocido mundialmente por un apodo que sus compañeros le han dado, "El AudiTHOR".
Como voluntario de ISACA desde hace mucho tiempo y orador de conferencias, Arnulfo ha sido premiado en numerosas ocasiones por sus destacados logros. En 2019, se le otorgó el "Premio al Líder de Capítulo Sobresaliente" (Outstanding Chapter Leader Award) de ISACA, en 2020, recibió el "Premio John Kuyers al Mejor Orador" (John Kuyers Award for Best), y recibió el mayor logro, el "Premio Salón de la Fama de ISACA" (ISACA Hall of Fame Award) en 2021.
¡Únase a la escucha de este episodio mientras Arnulfo ofrece sus mejores consejos y prácticas para convertirse en un orador excepcional, consejos sobre cómo los profesionales emergentes pueden entrar en la industria, y cómo su alter ego, AudiTHOR, alimenta su pasión por la auditoría!
Para leer más sobre Arnulfo, visite www.isaca.org/resources/news-and-trends/isaca-now-blog/2020/iamisaca-from-rock-star-to-speak-star
Para escuchar más Podcasts de ISACA, visite www.isaca.org/podcasts

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Why (And How to) Dispose of Digital Data
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
The stakes are too high for organizations not to comply with data privacy regulations,” Bassel Kablawi states in his article, "Why (and How to) Dispose of Digital Data." As the Information Security and Data Privacy Consultant for System Solutions, Bassel Kablawi has the knowledge and experience to determine that the value of data disposal can help an organization protect personal data from being exposed and why the final step in the Data Lifecycle could be considered the most crucial.
Bassel takes us on a deep dive into digital data with ISACA's Safia Kazi on the five stages of data disposal in this ISACA podcast episode. He explains why it is essential to understand that destruction should be performed based on an organization’s retention policy and the five main disposal methods of data, which include date anonymization, data deletion, data crypto shredding (for encrypted data), data degaussing, and data destruction.
Tune in to hear Bassel explain why data destruction is critical to developing digital trust with customers and stakeholders and could save an organization’s reputation.
To read Bassel's article, please visit: www.isaca.org/resources/news-and-trends/industry-news/2022/why-and-how-to-dispose-of-digital-data
To listen to more ISACA Podcasts, please visit: www.isaca.org/podcasts

Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Industry Spotlight - Johann Dettweiler Part II
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Link to Part I: https://isacapodcast.podbean.com/e/industry-spotlight-johann-dettweiler-part-1/
In this ISACA podcast episode, we connect with TalaTek Director of Operations Johann Dettweiler to discuss his almost two decades of experience across multiple industry fields, his involvement in FEDRAMP compliance, and why the next generation should focus on adding certifications to their resumes.
Johann tells ISACA's Keith Karlsson that it was his work ethic and guidance of a trusted mentor that provided an opportunity in the IT security field. In less than 12 months, he racked up multiple impressive certifications such as CISSP, CCSP, and CEH that rapidly advanced his career and, as he explains it, allows him to be “the person that everyone hates because I tell you what is wrong with your system.”
Johann’s strong background in research and his constant quest for knowledge about this evolving industry, he is more than willing to provide listeners with his efficiency hacks to stay productive, motivational career advice, and why the next-generation cyber professionals may have an advantage over him. Tune in now to meet Senior Security Information Security Consultant Johann Dettweiler.
To learn more about Johann, visit https://talatek.com/project/johann-dettweiler/
To listen to other ISACA Podcast episodes, visit www.isaca.org/podcast